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January 20 to
February 18
Ruling planet:
Aquarius symbol is the water bearer. It is the sign of individual freedom, social and humanitarian solidarity. Aquarius is unique and do not conform to rules. It is the sign of the individual, often eccentric, stubborn and enjoys detached relationships. They seek knowledge and can be a humanitarian or revolutionary.
Uranus is the ruling planet for Aquarius. Uranus rules inspiration, individuality, and unpredictability. It seeks knowledge beyond that which is known. It speeds up whatever it comes into contact with, bringing in sudden changes, great flashes of inspiration and innovative ideas. Its colours combine all shades of the spectrum of the rainbow.
Creation, innovation and originality are keywords of the Aquarius sign. With eyes on the future, Aquarians are always open to new ideas, they question theories, and their vision goes beyond the usual, hence the fame of being the sign of inventors. Aquarians are detached, impartial, appreciate evolution and reason. They are adept at eccentricity and idealism and can be easily distracted.
Aquarius succeeds in working groups, as long as they are the leader. An Aquarius has a sense of oneness with nature and a desire for knowledge and insight that can lead to being an excellent scientist, astronomer, or historian. They have the facility to work in any technical field. Aquarius are often good writers, teachers, and social workers or psychologists. They are also good musicians.
Aquarius has the tendency to withdraw and run away from a problem, which makes personal relationships complicated. They feel great concern for the good of humanity and do not understand the positions that are contrary to their causes. Aquarius believes in integrity and fulfilling promises, so they feel resentful of betrayal. Aquarius is one of the zodiac signs most receptive to the pursuits of learning and truth.
Aries and Aquarius have a lot in common and have a very high degree of compatibility. Both signs are independent, caring, optimistic and enthusiastic. Aquarius and Aries can become good friends and it is very possible that if a romantic relationship does not work, they will continue to be good friends.
The biggest barrier to a relationship between Aries and Aquarius is the self-centeredness of Aries, who may put their own interests before those of others, which contrasts with Aquarians tendency to worry about others before their own. Both signs’ willingness to try new things and seek new experiences complement each other very well, which could lead to a happy relationship.
Aquarius and Taurus are not so compatible signs. They approach life from different perspectives. Taurus’ simple, practical, realistic, conventional, and sensitive approach is the opposite of Aquarius’ evolving, changing and progressive approach to life.
Taurus stubbornness combined with Aquarius stiffness can lead to some serious problems, which makes long term relationship difficult to maintain for both signs.
The compatibility between Aquarius and Gemini sign is very high. They have similar approaches and want the same thing out of life. Because of their strong karmic connection, they are one of the most compatible combinations of the zodiac. A Gemini and Aquarius couple enjoy each other’s company. They love to talk for hours, share the same interests, hobbies, opinions, and even the same friends.
Geminis love the originality and innovation of Aquarians, while Aquarians are fascinated by the unpredictability and independence of Geminis. Both signs are great communicators and will enjoy sharing opinions, thoughts, and reflections. Differences may arise but not enough to endanger the stability of the couple.
The combination of the signs Cancer and Aquarius presents many challenges in a couple. Though compatibility is low at first glance, if there is enough love and willingness to work hard, a lasting relationship can be difficult, but not impossible.
Aquarian’s taste for freedom and independence and Cancer’s rigidity and conservatism, can be a bit of a difficult combination to carry. Aquarius needs to explore all paths throughout life before making a firm commitment to someone, and for a much more traditional and conservative Cancer, the wait can be too long. However, since both signs are very loyal and stubborn, they can overcome the differences, especially if the relationship begins later in life when Aquarius is ready to settle down.
The compatibility between Leo and Aquarius is high. The two signs are very different, but Aquarius is attracted to Leo’s warmth, generosity, and energy while Leos are impressed by Aquarius’ brainpower and confidence. If Aquarius manages to stop his Leo partner from taking life so seriously, and in turn, Leo manages to teach Aquarius to focus a little more, they could make a formidable team.
Leo has a very conservative side that clashes with Aquarius’ rebellion. Both signs are convinced that they are right, so it will be important for them to control their ego, reach an agreement, and focus all their efforts on combining their talents and working together to achieve common goals.
The compatibility of Aquarius with Virgo is one of the lowest in the Zodiac because they have very different life philosophies. Virgos might be drawn to Aquarius’ social and caring attitude but be put off by their lack of planning and ambition. Aquarians are more concerned with contributing to the community and the world as a whole, which attracts Virgo and is an excellent foundation for a friendship even if the romance doesn’t work out.
However, Virgo’s excessive criticism can alienate Aquarius and make the relationship impossible. Aquarius is an incredibly versatile sign and if Virgo manages to loosen up, this combination might have a chance to succeed.
The compatibility between Libra and Aquarius is excellent. Both signs are sociable, they love to talk and enjoy meetings and social events. They are both very outgoing, have many friends and like independence. Having some freedom within the relationship will not be a problem for these two signs. Both Aquarius and Libra enjoy giving, and neither of them will demand much of their partner.
The attraction between Libra and Aquarius is usually instantaneous. Thanks to their many common interests, Aquarius and Libra are not only compatible as a couple, but also as friends. A Libra-Aquarius couple will spend hours and hours talking and will find many similarities with each other.
The compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius is quite low. Both Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs and this can lead to great attraction, but they both have very different personalities and their approach to life and intimate relationships is very different. Scorpios are very intense, emotional and passionate while Aquarians are much more balanced and practical. Scorpios are carried away by their intuition and instinct, while Aquarians seem colder, more cerebral, and distant.
It will be difficult for Aquarius to understand the air of mystery and jealousy of Scorpio while Scorpio will find it difficult to assume the most unpredictable and uncontrollable part of the Aquarius. Both signs are quite stubborn and have very fixed opinions, which makes a relationship even more difficult.
The compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius is quite high and if both signs put in a little effort, their relationship will be long and happy. These are two very similar signs – extroverts, sociable and adventurous. They love fun and spontaneity. They are not overly emotional or sentimental and they know how to give and enjoy certain freedom within their relationship.
Both Aquarius and Sagittarius love long conversations, exchanging ideas, mutually benefiting from each other’s intelligence. Sagittarius has a great capacity to take initiatives and Aquarius has the perseverance and determination to carry them out.
The compatibility between Capricorn and Aquarius can be quite high. Aquarians are creative, skilful and have a great ability to adapt to changes in their environment and life in general. Capricorn is practical, impartial, consistent and firm. Both signs could help each other and become a great team.
The weak point of this combination is the tendency for both signs to participate and get involved in a multitude of activities, which can lead to a lack of time for their relationship. To overcome this obstacle, both signs will have to commit to the relationship.
The compatibility between the two Aquarians is high, with a great capacity to understand each other without feeling threatened by their uniqueness. Aquarius is outgoing, sociable and loves being part of a group. But they have a lonely and independent side that feels the need to be alone at times.
This contradiction can pose a problem for many signs, but another Aquarius will understand and share the desire for solitude. However, a relationship between two Aquarians will not be very intense, too romantic or passionate since it is very difficult for this sign to deepen a relationship.
Pisces and Aquarius are not very compatible. Pisces is a dreamer, who uses intuition to make decisions; while Aquarius tends to be more practical, analytical and logical. Pisces is very compassionate, while Aquarius can easily distance himself from problems.
Aquarius is interested in global ideas while Pisces is more concerned with emotions and personal fulfilment. Aquarius needs some freedom to feel comfortable in a relationship, while Pisces enjoys the presence of his partner so much that Aquarius’ need for distance could feel like a rejection.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
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