We all have innate psychic abilities, but most of us are not aware of them. What makes psychics different from most people is that they learn to use and develop their gifts.
The physical world that we see around us is said to represent only one percent of everything that actually exists. The rest is made up of energy and information. Most of us don’t see energy and information, but they exist and we are unconsciously perceiving and receiving them.
That may be hard to understand but have you ever experienced going into a place and feel “bad vibes” without really knowing why? Do you sense other people or your pet feeling your mood?
These are just examples of our capacity to receive information that is in the non-physical plane. Some people are more sensitized or prepared for this type of perception than others, but we can all learn to develop our abilities.
The vibration of our energy system is crucial not only in perceiving information but also in understanding its meaning.
In this article, we will review 4 extrasensory skills that we all possess and can be using or misusing unconsciously. Greater awareness of our innate extrasensory abilities can help us enhance and make better use of our psychic ability.
Surprised? Imagination is a powerful psychic ability that often goes unnoticed. Because we are part of the process, it is easy to dismiss its relevance. When we imagine, we are simply making things up, how can this be considered psychic ability? We need to understand that nothing in the universe moves without an intention.
When we are channeling or trying to have access or perception, we receive information. We then use this information to create something or make something up. Imagination allows us to receive information from the universe and reproduce and manifest the information in our minds.

Empathy is often described as knowing how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. But empathy is much more than that. Empathy is a powerful psychic ability that allows us to tune into the energetic field of another person. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt the emotional energy of another person? Have you been in a situation where you felt like your energy is being absorbed by someone else? Energetic empathy has a lot to do with this.
In empathy, we are receiving the information that is transmitted from the other person in our energy field. What is interesting with empathy is that we receive the information as a telepathic knowledge. Depending on how strong our perception channels are, energetic empathy could manifest in the physical, visual, auditory, or telepathic sense. People who have developed their psychic ability as empaths are highly attuned to other people’s moods and feelings, to the point that they can help in healing others.
Intuition is our innate ability to access information and anticipate things that are going to happen to us. What’s interesting about intuition is that it is knowing through our feelings. That is why the heart is often spoken of in relation to developing intuition. To put it simply, if you feel good about the idea then go ahead, if you don’t feel good, then you don’t.
In reality, it is not that simple. Intuition is very subtle. It doesn’t clamour for attention, that’s why we often do not notice. Most of the time, we let our minds take control because that’s how we are programmed to do. We have all been in a situation where we know we are making the wrong decision; we feel it but our minds say otherwise so we follow our minds. Our intuition is our inner guide. It helps us remain true to ourselves and our true feelings.
Also check out our article How Can I Communicate With Spirits?
Connection with the Astral Plane
We all have a connection with the astral plane but most of us do not notice it. The astral plane is the closest plane to our reality. The astral plane’s vibration is a little faster, so we do not see it but we are in direct communication with it. The influence of this connection will manifest itself in different ways, depending on how attuned you are to your psychic ability. Some people might feel the presence of the astral plane more than others.
The astral plane contains information about non-visible space-time. This allows psychics to perceive information about the past, present, or future. Advanced psychic abilities such as astral projection, psychometry, retro-cognition, precognition, or remote viewing all happen in the astral plane.
All these psychic abilities are always working in each and every one of us. Because we have innate abilities, we can all learn to become a psychic. However, some people are more advanced in their psychic development journey. These people have mastered their psychic abilities and have the capacity to receive, understand, and interpret information that is in the non-physical plane.
At Psychics Connect, we have gifted psychics who have learned to use their extrasensory abilities intentionally. They can provide spiritual guidance and insight on life, career, love and relationships and the influences around you at the present time. Call 02 8840 2088 to book a reading now.